Over the past year, we have spent much time in prayer asking for God's direction and leadership .. and He led us here to Louisville for Kip to pursue a seminary degree at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. The move itself felt stressful, sad, bittersweet, (all of those things people say) as we left what we have known. But in looking deeper, it was also an exciting, personal adventure that we have loved sharing with each other. And an intimate experience with our Savior as we learn how to trust Him more fully. He has already provided for us in so many specific ways, that all I can say, often dumbfounded, is "He is so good! He is more generous, more able, more loving than I ever dreamed!"
I write this blog post from the same dining room table we enjoyed in Georgia - made by my brother; shared with family, friends, and good food. Where hospitality was learned, lifelong friendships were established, and hearts were opened to each other. As I type and look out across this same table, the familiar dark-stained knots and planes of the wood are comforting. I think of the faces that have sat around it, sharing love and passing bread.
The hands that have held in prayer around it.
The music that surrounded as we celebrated birthdays, holidays, the every day.
And I smile big to think of it, although it looks different right now (It is currently covered with computers, papers, seminary books, and coupons if that gives you a sense of this new life stage!)
But we know that our Savior has led us to this specific place at this time to provide new memories and experiences. New evidences of His grace.
We are never alone. We are always loved. We can always trust Jesus' guidance. We can stake our lives on it.
It excites me to think of the new faces that will sit around this table. I grin to think of all the added memories that will flash through my mind when I sit at this table five years from now. The people that will become engrafted into our lives, some that we didn't know existed just a few short years before. One day at a time, we are walking forward with the Lord, mostly unseeing but believing that we can trust our Guide. I pray He keeps waking us up to Him, making our eyes wide to take in more of His goodness. As we embark on this adventure, thank you to all who keep encouraging us in so many ways. You are a true gift to us. You help us keep the faith.
Adventures are the most fun with those you love... and I am truly blessed to be filled with the One who will never depart, hand in hand with my beloved Kip, and connected to the best friends and family a girl could ever ask for. Here's to the journey!

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